ALL-In Bundle

The Vital First Steps

Join us 02/21-06/19 for this 4-month program.

It's Time to:

  • Get Clear AF on what you're building, who you're building it for, and every detail about who you're competing against.
  • Get Strategic AF to build your technology, fund your business, and get your customers.
  • Get Validated AF by being led through the most comprehensive customer discovery process on the market. (The single most significant thing you can do as a founder).
  • Build a network of peers, vendors, and investors who want to help you in a safe, supportive community.

Here is the lineup:

Here is what participants have to say:

"The program is exceptionally clarifying and helpful in leading me through the process of developing a tech platform."

"I came in the program with a fixation on one idea, and through customer discovery I was able to see there was a bigger target market in need. I now have a more clear and bigger vision for my company and the solution it will provide."

"Going through the steps of Clear AF and Strategic AF helped me think about aspects of my business that I had not taken the time to figure out - such as market analysis and customer acquisition analysis. I also appreciated and enjoyed all the feedback I got, which helped me uncover new ways to probe my potential customers."

Register for this "All-In Bundle", a $1500 Value for Only $299!

OR- Click here to work through the program module-by-module, starting with Clear AF for $48.


February 21, 2024
11:00am Eastern Time

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